In the heart of Pjelax, in the western Finland - with its striking landscapes of lakes, the coast and deep forests - the Sigg family’s story unfolds much like the seedlings they raise: rooted in a strong heritage and flourishing through practical, innovative decisions that take their expertise to the next level.
Founded nearly seven decades ago by Helge Sigg, the company has grown from a small local nursery into Northern Europe’s leading supplier of cucumber, tomato, and bell pepper seedlings. Now led by Helge’s son Tommy and his family, it’s not just about scale—it’s about everyday choices rooted in years of hands-on experience, a commitment to quality, and a drive to keep improving.
They carry on a legacy, combining deep-rooted knowledge of cultivation with with an expert approach to adopting cutting-edge technology, including their latest venture with Priva ECO.
More than just adopting new technology, the Sigg family brings their expertise to the table, playing an active role in Priva ECO’s development.. This hands-on approach speaks to their creative, forward-thinking mindset, always finding ways to improve and actively involving themselves in solutions that drive their business forward.