
Priva Remote Commissioning: Manage your building remotely

Secure management in the cloud.

With Priva Remote Commissioning you can engineer, commission and maintain your building management system remotely. Any problems in the system? You can easily rectify the problem remotely.

Simple, secure and protected

The connection between the system and the remote building manager can be set up easily via Microsoft Azure. Advanced security functions keep unauthorised traffic out and protect your data. In addition, it is not possible to access the company network via this connection.

Save time and money

Dial-up connections are now a thing of the past. The connection of Remote Commissioning of the building management system takes place over the internet and is therefore much faster.

The annual costs of this solution are fixed when purchased with a Priva Digital Service Starter package. It’s included in the package price when you purchase the Priva Essentials and Priva Plus package.

As a Technical Specialist you will be able to support your customers remotely and resolve any problems.

Ready for the future

Are you likely to need historical data storage or alarm management in the future? These and other functions, such as system and energy performance, can be managed over the same connection.


Understand how you will benefit

Discover what the benefits are for you and your building

Simple, secure and protected

The connection between the system and the remote building manager can be set up easily via Microsoft Azure. Advanced security functions keep unauthorised traffic out and protect your data. In addition, it is not possible to access the company network via this connection.

Save time and money

ial-up connections are now a thing of the past. The connection of Remote Commissioning of the building management system takes place over the internet and is therefore much faster. The annual costs of this solution are fixed when purchased with a Priva Digital Service Starter package. It’s included in the package price when you purchase the Priva Essentials and Priva Plus package. As a Technical Specialist you will be able to support your customers remotely and resolve any problems.

Ready for the future

Are you likely to need historical data storage or alarm management in the future? These and other functions, such as system and energy performance, can be managed over the same connection.

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Customer Stories

Buildings with Priva Remote Commissioning

Find out how others have been able to optimize their buildings with some of our solutions.

La Butte Aux Bois
La Butte aux Bois: Comfort for guests with climate control
  • La Butte aux Bois
  • 2021
De Krook Ghent Library sustainable climate control
  • De Krook Ghent Library
  • 2018

Like to know more about Priva Remote Commissioning? Our team is ready to help you!

Bill Whittaker

Business Development Manager

Bill Whittaker