- Optimum quality. And a constant production.
- Minimum consumption of energy. And maximum reuse of water.
Constant climate conditions
The flower is the most sensitive plant organ, so as a cut flower grower you need a great deal of care during cultivation. We understand that the greatest challenge for growers of cut flowers is to keep the climate conditions as constant as possible. An ornamental crop does not like climate shocks or extreme conditions. This means that quality risks are present at all times.
We can help you to go along with the rhythm of the crop as far as possible. With our innovative horticultural automation solutions, you will have all the processes and settings within the company at your fingertips. All your greenhouse equipment works together to achieve the optimum situation for the crop: air vents, heating, screens, assimilation lighting, CO2 dosage, ventilation, water dosage, misting and cooling. The result? Optimum quality, constant production, minimum consumption of energy and maximum reuse of water.